Acne Shots

*cc to my one and only yam*

What type of shots did i got?

I did not sure the name but after some research ,i think the injections is called cortisone injection or cyst injections.The purpose of the cortisone is to shrink the swollen wall of the cyst. 

Face shots experience

The doctor said my acne cant be popped just like that ( if your acne like yg ada warna putih tu kalau pergi jumpa doktor, they will just popped it out). As you can see from my previous post, my acne like bump,red bump. So ,doctor said the best way is injections. I was like.waitt,whuttttt?? freaking injections on my face?face?.................i was really nervous. But it the best way for me .So the doctor literally bring out about 8 needles. I think 4 on the left, and another 4 on the right of my cheek. I closed my eyes during the procedure.It feel like when we go to clinic or hospital to take out our blood. It just the same feeling but it not at your hand, but  f a c e. phewww. I survived. and i think it does shrink from before. And im super glad with it. Such an experience.


" I made manyyyy grammar mistake ,i knew, do correct me in comment or ignore it , up to you , im really sorry for making english like this "

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