Progress on Accutane

Is accutane work?

In this post i'm going to show how accutane works on me.Just like before, i will post both side of my cheek since the breakout in that area is obvius.

Week 1

*taken on 7 Feb*

As you can see, the bumps is starting to shrink naturally, im really happy because the progress is great even though just for 1 week taking that medication.

Week 2

*taken on 16 Feb*
You can see the bumps are gone! * there is a bump on my cheek ,yes i see that bump that was a new new* the old bumps are gone!I see a lot of people who taking accutane on youtube and they said some ppl will undergoing purging. "Purging" adalah istilah yang biasa digunakan untuk menggambarkan tempoh pelarasan apabila kitaa mula menggunakan produk baru, apabila kulit kita  menjadi lebih buruk sebelum ia menjadi lebih baik dari sebelumnya. This is totally different dengan reaction, iaitu ketika kulit kita alergi terhadap sesuatu produk. I think la the new bump appeared because of purging. Maybe la.

Why purging occur?

Terdapat beberapa penjelasan umum untuk istilah purging. One of them adalah produk ini membantu badan anda menghilangkan toksin, dan apabila toksin meninggalkan badan anda, anda akan menjadi lebih baik. Berikut adalah sebab saintifik yang diiktiraf oleh ahli dermatologi. Jerawat tidak bermula apabila anda melihatnya - ia bermula sebagai liang yang tersumbat di bawah permukaan (mikrokedoni) yang tidak dapat dilihat, yang akhirnya boleh menjadi jerawat penuh sebelum ia mati dan hilang. Proses ini boleh mengambil masa 8 minggu. Jika produk meningkatkan kadar pembaharuan kulit, ia mempercepatkan seluruh kitaran, dan anda akan melihat banjir jerawat muncul. Walau bagaimanapun, mereka jerawat yang akan muncul akhirnya, bukan jerawat baru yang disebabkan oleh produk .


Week 4

*taken on 1st March*

Sorry , i am skipping week 3,did not find any on my phone. You can see! my skin  is slowly getting better, my bumps all gone. But like before, the redness still there. and yes, the spot. They look like box scar .but its not that big.em Ice pick scars? but they not too deep. Idk how to categorize my acne scars. Its not that big nor that deep. Just in the middle. I'm just notice, its 1 month progress result!

Week 6

*taken on 12 march *

I didnt find any pictures too for week 5 .So let just  straight to week 6. I think some of my scars starting to fade away at this time. My cheek is not that red as before. 

Week 7

*taken on 24 March*
So yeayh, the progress show me positive feedbacks eventhough it took time for a small progress but its safe and didnt ruin your face. I mean many products out there that promising you will be flawless just in one month and some of them less than one month. That insane. It might contain mercury. Beware with mercury. It can make you flawless but in the same time , it make your face worse.Let be pretty in healthy way !Im going to write about mercury later since im experienced using a local product which actually contain mercury . I dont even know :((. i know about it after having a breakout too but that breakout is not as bad as this.

Week 8

*taken on 3 April*
Done with my accutane!2 months progress. Actually i can continue with my medication to remove and reduce my scars.However, i think it cost really high amount of money and im tired to dealing with dryness too.*except for my skin dryness* i love my skin to be dry but not for my lips or eyes.So i can see the redness is faded away. Im already satisfied with this progress and im looking forward to reduce the scars!.

For the next post, im going to write about injection that i got when im seeing the doctor. Its injection on my face! Not botox k.

Don't let anything dull your sparkle!


" I made manyyyy grammar mistake ,i knew, do correct me in comment or ignore it , up to you , im really sorry for making english like this "

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  1. Well done ween..smooth writingg!!!

  2. Goodjob aween so happy for you as you are freee from your breakout nowww ๐Ÿ’‹

  3. wahh next time jumpa aween confirm flawless tulis banyak lagi ween suka baca post aween ๐Ÿ’ž๐Ÿ˜

    1. Parut berlubang banyak ni ha hahaha, thnk you musuh ketat sejati๐Ÿ˜š

  4. Nak tanya, kalau makan accutane, boleh cuci muka ke dengan skincare? Ataupun cuci muka pakai air je?


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