Progress on Accutane
Is accutane work? In this post i'm going to show how accutane works on me.Just like before, i will post both side of my cheek since the breakout in that area is obvius. Week 1 *taken on 7 Feb* As you can see, the bumps is starting to shrink naturally, im really happy because the progress is great even though just for 1 week taking that medication. Week 2 *taken on 16 Feb* You can see the bumps are gone! * there is a bump on my cheek ,yes i see that bump that was a new new* the old bumps are gone!I see a lot of people who taking accutane on youtube and they said some ppl will undergoing purging. "Purging" adalah istilah yang biasa digunakan untuk menggambarkan tempoh pelarasan apabila kitaa mula menggunakan produk baru, apabila kulit kita menjadi lebih buruk sebelum ia menjadi lebih baik dari sebelumnya. This is totally different dengan reaction, iaitu ketika kulit kita alergi terhadap sesuatu produk. I think la the new bump appeared because ...